While I still never figured out what was up with my less than enthusiastic attitude, I'm really loving the year so far. To prove that I really mean it, and am not just saying that to make myself believe it, here's a list of things that are awesome about the school year:
1. The interactive notebooks are awesome.
While they are a pain to prepare, the kids are staying super organized and aren't complaining about taking notes/doing practice problems. I love that they have everything in one place, and no excuse for losing things. I found a lot of my ideas for the notebook on Pinterest.
2. I love being the MSAP department head.
For the first year since I've been on the team, we are actually working as a team. We are meeting once a week, discussing our lessons and how we can integrate, talking about students and following through with discipline and parent contact, and, best of all, we are all getting along really well.
3. I work with some really great people.
We love each other and help each other. I don't know what I would do without some of the people I work with, at school and in my outside life. I have met some of the best friends and encouraging colleagues. I really can't express the amazingness of this crazy family I've been brought into.
4. Our school is optimistic.
We've all had our ups and downs, but for some wonderful reason we all remain optimistic about our school and the direction in which it's headed. A lot has changed this year and we're excited to be a part of improvement and success.
5. I have a class set of iPads.
Need I say more? I didn't think so. We're just now getting them up and running, but I'm excited for the possibilities.
6. I get a warm and cozy feeling every time I walk into my classroom.
I feel really comfortable as a teacher. I love the way my classroom is set-up and the way I'm teaching. I'm excited for each day, no matter what it may bring. That comfortable feeling is what I've been working towards and I'm really happy I'm there.
The list goes on and on, as always. But these are a few of the things that took that "meh" feeling away and I am thankful.
I know I have a tendency to make lists, but I'm not the only one. Check out this TED talk:
Thanks to Jen, our technology specialist for sharing this video with us today!